
National Energy Guarantee

Guaranteeing What, Exactly?

By Tim Hollo October 17, 2017

Today, Malcolm Turnbull and Josh Frydenberg announced another iteration in the climate policy fiasco – a National Energy Guarantee, scrapping support for renewable energy. It is a policy specifically designed to extend the life of coal fired power stations and slow the growth of renewable energy. Can we talk…

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What Do We Mean By “Everything Is Connected”?

By Tim Hollo October 11, 2017

With our conference now a little over two weeks away (get your tickets now, people, before they sell out!), I thought it would be a good time to quickly talk a little more about what we mean by its title: Everything is Connected. The idea of the whole conference is…

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Review: Anna Krien’s ‘The Long Goodbye’

By Tim Hollo August 3, 2017

Coral reefs are extraordinarily beautiful, diverse, complex ecosystems. It is their diversity and complexity, in no small part, which gives them their beauty – colour and movement, ever changing, ever shifting, something to take your breath away everywhere you turn. It is, of course, that diversity, and the complexity of…

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Liberté, Égalité, ‘Facebookité’

By Tim Hollo July 14, 2017

Today is Bastille Day, the anniversary of a pivotal moment in world history: the storming of the Bastille, marking the beginning of the victory of the French Revolution, and a key point in global democratisation. I wonder, is the democratisation of Facebook one of the crucial next steps towards global…

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Brindabella Views Or Billboards? You Choose.

By Tim Hollo June 17, 2017

You know what Canberra, our beautiful bush capital, needs? More billboard advertising! Said nobody, ever… … Except Andrew Barr, in a brief thought bubble early this year. Unfortunately, our Chief Minister sent the idea off to a Legislative Committee inquiry and, unless a large number of Canberrans write in urgently…

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Macdonald Is The Tip Of The Coal Corruption Iceberg

By Tim Hollo June 8, 2017

It’s remarkable how often corruption in Australian politics is linked to coal. The jailing of former NSW Resources Minister, Ian Macdonald, last week is the tip of the iceberg. It’s just the most recent in a line of explicit and proven corruption directly linked to the coal industry. But the…

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