
Making Democracy Fit For Purpose In The 21st Century
17 Dec 2024U3A Canberra Northside invited Tim to present on the challenges to democracy and possibilities for reinventing it, expanding on the themes in Living Democracy. We’ve transformed his speech into a publication for all to access here.
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Listening to Living Democracy: Audio Book
1 Dec 2023These are dark times. Could they be the darkest before the dawn? Can we turn this juggernaught around and cultivate an ecological, living democracy? You can now listen to Tim Hollo reading his book, Living Democracy, to find inspiration, ideas, and encouragement to do your own thinking. LISTEN FOR FREE…
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Seeding, Feeding and Leading Transformative Greens Politics: Green Institute Annual Report 2022/23
17 Nov 2023With our strongest ever focus on engaging and working with Greens members and the wider movement, 2022/23 was an exciting and highly successful year for the Green Institute. Despite tiny resources, with only 1½ FTE staff, we delivered a massive program of workshops and webinars, publications and podcasts, conferences and writers’ festivals, cultivating deep…
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Nature | Market: Why Labor’s market will do nothing for nature
31 May 2023How much is a koala’s life worth? What’s the cash value of preventing the extinction of the orange bellied parrot? If these are the questions you’re asking, can you expect anything other than a devastatingly, destructively wrong answer? Labor’s Nature Repair Market Bill, a redraft and repackaging of the ecocidal Morrison government’s proposal to establish…
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Tedx Talk: Panarchy: A Manifesto For Change
18 Mar 2023What would happen if we truly worked together to solve the ecological, social and political crises we face today? At TEDxCanberra 2022: Impact, environmentalist, community builder, author and musician Tim Hollo shows us what a living democracy in Australia could look like. A highly regarded environmentalist, community builder and musician, Tim Hollo is Executive Director of the Green Institute…
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Submission On Nature Repair Market Bill
15 Mar 2023The Green Institute recently has made a submission into the Government’s proposed Nature Repair Market exposure draft bill. We have called for the government to withdraw it as a terrible idea and instead invest appropriately in protecting and rehabilitating nature, and consider working towards a Rights of Nature framework. Read the full submission here.
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E-book: Can We Imagine A Future In Which Welfare Is Unconditional?
26 Oct 2021Can we imagine a future where anyone in Australia who needs help to make ends meet gets that help from government, without having to jump through flaming hoops to prove they deserve it? DOWNLOAD THE EBOOK NOW Can we imagine a future where we simply say that nobody deserves to live in…
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Cultivating Hope: Green Institute Annual Report 2020
21 Jan 2021Last year will go down as history-making in so many ways. It was an immense struggle, marked by tragedy and devastation. But, unexpectedly, it was also tinged with real hope; the hope that can be found in people coming together through adversity, working collectively to create a better world. Looking back on everything The Green Institute did over…
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Rebalancing Rights: Communities, Corporations And Nature
29 Mar 2019If BHP Billiton has rights, and can act as a legal person, why shouldn’t the Great Barrier Reef? What would change if we decided that the natural world we are part of had rights of its own – the right to exist, to habitat, to be free from pollution? This collection began its life as an exploration of the concept…
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Views Of A UBI
14 Jun 2017What would you do if you knew you wouldn’t be left behind? Nine Australians’ “Views of a UBI” 14 JUNE 2017 What would your life be like if you—and everyone around you—had a Universal Basic Income? How would it change the choices you make to know that there was a no-questions-asked, non-judgmental, society-wide support in place that we all contribute to…
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Can Less Work be More Fair?
9 Dec 2016We need to talk about UBI and shorter working hours Does a world with more insecure work need to be a world of greater instability and fear? Are protectionism and nationalism appropriate responses? Are there alternative policy approaches which can bring people and communities together instead of driving them ever further apart? With global politics in a state of flux,…
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Mulga Bills – First Ever Analysis Of Direct Action Auctions
3 Nov 2016Mulga Bills won’t settle our climate accounts The first detailed analysis of the ‘Direct Action’ Emissions Reduction Fund auctions, conducted for The Green Institute by former Director Margaret Blakers and Margaret Considine, shows that not only is the scheme ineffective at meeting its own barely credible climate objectives but that, without major changes to its design, it cannot form a…
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The End of Coal: How Should the Next Government Respond?
14 Jun 2016The End of Coal Coal, for decades one of the “certainties” of Australian politics, is in terminal decline. This economic, environmental and geopolitical fact is now beyond dispute. Whoever wins the coming Federal Election will have no choice but to deal with the beginning of the end of coal, with power stations and mines closing and companies walking away or…
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One Stop Chop: Australia’s Native Forests
30 May 2013Australia’s native forests ‘Unnamed waterfall, Mt Lindsay’ by Greens MPs from Flickr. Which way from here? About 6.8 million hectares of Australia’s public native forests are covered by Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs) and managed by state forestry agencies primarily for logging. The future of these forests is now a key question for land management in Australia — because the…
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Multi Party Government
30 Apr 2011Multi-party government is the norm in many countries but remains a novelty at the national level of Australian politics. Contrary to received wisdom, the minority Labor government from 2010 to 2013 was stable and productive albeit demonised by the opposition. At state level, minority or multi-party governments are not uncommon. The following resources were prepared for a 2011 Green Institute…
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