
Peace is a process; nonviolence is action

26 Jul 2024

Nonviolence is a powerful, active, creative and generative form of resistance to violent systems. Every act of violence creates a more violent world. Nonviolence refuses to accept the self-perpetuating logic of the inevitability of violence, and demands of us that we cultivate space for peace-making. In this way, peace can…

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Change Everything – Natalie Bennett on her new book on transformative Greens politics, with guest Christine Milne

14 Jul 2024

What does transformative Greens policy and politics look like? Natalie Bennett, former leader of the Green Party of England and Wales, and current Greens member of the House of Lords, has written a new book, Change Everything, examining a broad range of ideas from participatory democracy to…

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Audio Book - Living Democracy - Tim Hollo - Green Institute

Listening to Living Democracy: Audio Book

1 Dec 2023

These are dark times. Could they be the darkest before the dawn? Can we turn this juggernaught around and cultivate an ecological, living democracy? You can now listen to Tim Hollo reading his book, Living Democracy, to find inspiration, ideas, and encouragement to do your own thinking. LISTEN FOR FREE…

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Seeding, Feeding and Leading Transformative Greens Politics: Green Institute Annual Report 2022/23

Seeding, Feeding and Leading Transformative Greens Politics: Green Institute Annual Report 2022/23

17 Nov 2023

With our strongest ever focus on engaging and working with Greens members and the wider movement, 2022/23 was an exciting and highly successful year for the Green Institute. Despite tiny resources, with only 1½ FTE staff, we delivered a massive program of workshops and webinars, publications and podcasts, conferences and writers’ festivals, cultivating deep…

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Nature Market: Why Labor’s market will do nothing for nature

Nature | Market: Why Labor’s market will do nothing for nature

31 May 2023

How much is a koala’s life worth? What’s the cash value of preventing the extinction of the orange bellied parrot? If these are the questions you’re asking, can you expect anything other than a devastatingly, destructively wrong answer? Labor’s Nature Repair Market Bill, a redraft and repackaging of the ecocidal Morrison government’s proposal to establish…

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Green Agenda

Facilitating change: consensus, collaboration and participatory politics

29 Jun 2024

We need to make our democracy work for us. We need to change it so that it is more participatory. Former Green Senator Janet Rice reflects on her decade bringing facilitation and consensus-building skills to the politics of parliament. [...] Read More... The post Facilitating change:...

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No regrets

26 Jun 2024

Brad Homewood and Violet CoCo are climate activists and organisers with Extinction Rebellion. They recently served two months in prison for blocking the West Gate Bridge in Naarm/Melbourne to sound the alarm on the climate emergency. [...] Read More... The post No regrets appeared first on...

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Renewable energy: Are optimistic scenarios feasible?

21 Jun 2024

Terry Leahy critically examines Mark Diesendorf and Rod Taylor's The Path to a Sustainable Civilisation, focusing on their arguments for a renewable energy transition and degrowth. Acknowledging the authors' optimism about renewables, Leahy challenges notions of an easy green transition,...

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My Planet Saving Superpowers

11 Jun 2024

In this reflective essay, writer, activist and farmer Linda Cockburn recounts her 25-year journey attempting to save the world through increasingly dedicated living experiments and community projects. From living off-grid to establishing local food networks. [...] Read More... The post My...

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The Missing Peace: Talking About Nonviolence

Webinar #1: The Greens’ commitment to peace with Bob Brown and Jo Vallentine

8pm AEST, 7 August 2024

Webinar Series: The Missing Peace: Talking About Nonviolence We need to talk about peace and nonviolence. Urgently. Webinar: 8pm AEST, Wednesday 7 August 2024 The language of peace is starkly missing from politics. And the practices of nonviolence, from the interpersonal to the global, are less and less part of the way we act. It is crucial that we reclaim…

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Change Everything – Natalie Bennett on her new book on transformative Greens politics - Green Institute

Change Everything – Natalie Bennett on her new book on transformative Greens politics, with guest Christine Milne

8pm AEST, 9 July 2024

If you are registered for tonight’s webinar and you haven’t received your Zoom link, please text Elissa 0418 786 986 and she will send it to you. However, please check your spam/junk folder first. Thanks!  Webinar: 8pm AEST, Tuesday 9 July 2024 What does transformative Greens policy and politics look like? Natalie Bennett, former leader…

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Join Global Green Leaders to discuss democracy - Strengthening Democracy Network

Join Global Green Leaders to discuss democracy

9pm AEST, 8 May, 2024

OK, this is genuinely exciting! As something of a democracy obsessive (have you noticed? But more and more of us are, given the state of the world today), I get to talk about democracy with some fantastic people pretty regularly. Just in the last week, I’ve had the privilege of being part of two excellent discussions that will hopefully lead…

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