Online tickets for Plenary Room Conference Stream: Green Institute Conference 2023

Online tickets for Plenary Room Conference Stream: Green Institute Conference 2023

If you are tuning in online and have registered yet haven’t received your Zoom link please text Elissa on 0418 786 986 with your email address and the Zoom link will be emailed to you.

Online tickets are available for the Plenary Room program stream only, details below. You can book a ticket for Friday or Saturday or for both days. Book your online streaming event ticket below.

Friday 18 August, 9am – 5pm
Saturday 19 August, 9am – 5pm
Plenary Room stream only, online via Zoom

Please purchase a ticket at the highest level you can afford to help the Green Institute cover costs so we can continue to expand our work. Bursaries for online attendance are available on request.

We encourage those with financial means to select the “Contributing Delegate’ option.


9.15am – Day 1 Opening Plenary
Tim Hollo opening address
Keynote: Mary Graham and Michelle Maloney – “Aboriginal relationality and the city”
Mundanara Bayles and Birdy Bird – “The Land Back”

10.45am – Morning Tea Break

11.15am – A Caring City: energy, arts and 3rd spaces
“Transforming Energy Systems: caring beyond the local”, with Dr Kat Lucas-Healey and Dr Wendy Russell
“Trust Builds Better Third Spaces”, with Michael Bromage
“Place-based Arts for more equitable cities”, with Professor Brydie-Leigh Bartleet

12.45pm – Lunch Break

1.30pm – A Caring City: from problem to solution
“Engaging youth as community partners, not community’s problem”, with Wendy Aghdam
“Reimagining Care: new starting points for policy reform”, with Kelly Saunders

2.30pm – Afternoon Tea Break

2.45pm – Urban / suburban / post-urban futures
“Perth 2.0”, with Brad Pettit MLC
“Are Large Cities Viable Without Fossil Fuels: an alternative urbanism”, with Terry Leahy
“The Suburb and the Far Right”, with Dr Simon Copland

4.15pm – Break

4.30pm – Closing Day 1 Plenary
Keynote: Prof Susan Harris Rimmer – “Cruel Summer: Extreme Heat and Human Rights in Australian Cities”
Emma Bacon, Sweltering Cities – “Beating the Heat: Community action for cool cities”

5.30pm – Day 1 End


9am – Day 2 Opening Plenary
Keynote: Prof David Schlosberg – “Sustainable Materialism as politics”
Protest and the city panel – Senator Larissa Waters, David Mejia-Canales, Violet Coco

10.45am – Morning Tea Break

11.15am – Democratic transformation through crisis
“Campaign Strategy for Transformative Democracy”, with A/Prof Mark Diesendorf
“Democratic transformation and urban re-imagination during periods of political crisis: Experimenting with a protest “village” in Colombo (Sri Lanka)”, with Dr Rajni Gamage and Anna Carlson
“Community Recovery from Covid: regenerative governing”, with Minister Emma Davidson, MLA

12.45pm – Lunch Break

1.15pm – Urban farming as transformation
“Creating Food Resilient Neighbourhoods”, with Gabriel Reese
“What’s Next in Urban Farming”, with Fiona Buining
“Syntropic Agroforestry”, with Thiago Barbosa

2.45pm – Afternoon Tea Break

3pm – Beating the Heat: Community action for cool cities
with Emma Bacon (Sweltering Cities), Holstein Wong and Ryan McNeilly Smith

4pm – Break

4.15pm – Closing Plenary
Feedback, discussion and commitments, thank yous

5pm – Day 2 END