
Comforting lies or changing what’s possible

By Tim Hollo February 15, 2016

Over the last couple of weeks, as I’ve been settling into my new role here at the Green Institute and contemplating the most exciting, energising way to introduce myself to you all, I’ve repeatedly found myself full of angst. This surprised me. I’m not usually one for angst. Those many…

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Drug Law Reform webinar

By Tim Hollo February 9, 2016

Drug law reform Greens Senator Richard Di Natale and Professor Alison Ritter Green Institute webinar, 9 February 2016 Click here to listen Drug law reform is in urgent need of a new approach based on harm minimisation. Professor Alison Ritter is a leading drug policy…

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Pumped Hydro

By Tim Hollo October 13, 2015

Off-river pumped hydro energy storage Andrew Blakers 13 October 2015 Andrew Blakers reviews Australia’s huge potential for off-river pumped hydro storage – offering mass storage options across the country much more cheaply than batteries. Click here to listen…

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Fossil Finance with Tim Buckley

By Tim Hollo August 4, 2015

Fossil Finance Tim Buckley 4 August 2015 This month so far  – President Obama announced his Clean Energy Plan to accelerate the US exit from coal; Alpha Natural Resources, second biggest coal miner in the US filed for bankruptcy; Peabody Energy, the largest US coal miner saw its stock…

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Let’s talk about tax

By Tim Hollo June 30, 2015

Discussing tax Let’s have a real discussion about tax Senator Peter Whish-Wilson Tuesday 30 June 2015 The real test of a government’s budget and taxation system is whether the decisions that underpin it make ours a better nation. If we are serious about removing inequity within the taxation system,…

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Budget briefing

By Tim Hollo May 26, 2015

Budget briefing Larissa Waters and Scott Ludlam 26 May 2015 Budget 2015 “further entrenches the Abbott government’s cruel and ideological attack on the Australian community” Richard Di Natale Greens Co-Deputy Leaders Larissa Waters and Scott Ludlam give a run-down on Budget 2015 and some of the measures…

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