Humanity In Nature

We are not protecting nature. We are nature protecting itself!

When most of us live lives disconnected from nature, rarely see wild animals, have even lost the vocabulary to identify plants and animals, how can we truly understand the changes that we are driving? How can we mourn what we never really knew?

We seek to demonstrate that a truly progressive politics is inherently green: if you consider that humanity is part of nature, you cannot work to improve humanity’s lot without cherishing and protecting nature.

Dutton Nukes Democratic Climate Debate - Green Institute

Dutton Nukes Democratic Climate Debate

By Tim Hollo June 21, 2024

Here we go again. A decade ago, I wrote this piece in The Guardian explaining why the right keeps returning to nuclear power like a dog to a puddle of vomit. It fits their worldview: the “dominion mandate” that says God gave “man” the Earth to dominate; the…

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Urban farming as transformation: Green Institute Conference 2023

Urban farming as transformation: Green Institute Conference 2023

By Elissa Jenkins October 20, 2023

This recording is from The City Transformed: Urban life at the end of the world as we know it – Green Institute Conference 2023, specifically the session entitled Urban farming as transformation featuring “Creating Food Resilient Neighbourhoods”, with Gabriel Reese; “What’s Next in Urban Farming”, with Fiona Buining; and “Agrihood…

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Violet Coco - Senator Larissa Waters - Green Institute Conference

People Power To Transform The City – Urgently

By Tim Hollo July 31, 2023

As extreme heat records tumbled again and sea ice extent crumbled over recent weeks, so many of us had yet another “oh shit” moment about the climate crisis. Even those of us who’ve been working on it for years or decades have been shocked to see this non-linear change happening…

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