Humanity In Nature

We are not protecting nature. We are nature protecting itself!

When most of us live lives disconnected from nature, rarely see wild animals, have even lost the vocabulary to identify plants and animals, how can we truly understand the changes that we are driving? How can we mourn what we never really knew?

We seek to demonstrate that a truly progressive politics is inherently green: if you consider that humanity is part of nature, you cannot work to improve humanity’s lot without cherishing and protecting nature.

There's No Time Left Not To Do Everything

There’s No Time Left Not To Do Everything

By Tim Hollo September 16, 2020

After a few months of suppressing our terror of the climate crisis while we’ve focussed on the immediate crisis of the pandemic, I’ve noticed, in conversations in person and online, that the fires in the USA have brought the trauma of last summer back to the surface for many many…

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Green Agenda is evolving!

Green Agenda is evolving!

By Tim Hollo August 19, 2020

Well, this is a time of transformation, isn’t it? I’m sure you are all aware of the Institute’s open publishing platform, Green Agenda, where we publish articles and essays and interviews about Green politics. Hopefully you’ve all read something…

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Agency In A Time Of Ecological Crisis

Agency In A Time Of Ecological Crisis

By Tim Hollo June 18, 2020

In this time of intersecting crises, of fire and smoke, pandemic and spiralling economic inequity, with a spotlight being shone on racial injustice and the blatant abuse of power, it’s hard to know what to do that can possibly have a real impact. With Greta Thunberg telling world leaders “you…

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Our Submission To The EPBC Act Review - Green Institute

Our Submission To The EPBC Act Review

By Tim Hollo April 21, 2020

In the midst of these extraordinary times, it takes a bit of an effort to remember that the COVID-19 pandemic came hot on the heels of the worst bushfire season we’d ever had, following a terrible drought and horrific fish kills, and the third mass bleaching event on the Great…

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Nobody Left Behind - Including Ecosystems

Nobody Left Behind – Including Ecosystems

By Tim Hollo April 6, 2020

These are extraordinary times. Everyone I talk to at the moment is feeling like their head is spinning. As well as fearing for our own and our loved ones’ health, and trying to keep our kids focussed on their education from home while we work or search for a new…

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What Does Climate Emergency Action Mean?

What Does “Climate Emergency” Action Mean?

By Tim Hollo February 20, 2020

The National Climate Emergency Summit, held in Melbourne on February 14-15, was a timely and important event. The Sustainable Living Festival pulled off an impressive feat organising it, filling Melbourne Town Hall to absolute capacity, getting a huge number of people inside and outside the rooms talking about the…

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