Humanity In Nature

We are not protecting nature. We are nature protecting itself!

When most of us live lives disconnected from nature, rarely see wild animals, have even lost the vocabulary to identify plants and animals, how can we truly understand the changes that we are driving? How can we mourn what we never really knew?

We seek to demonstrate that a truly progressive politics is inherently green: if you consider that humanity is part of nature, you cannot work to improve humanity’s lot without cherishing and protecting nature.

Best Green Agenda Reads of 2022

Top 7 Green Agenda Reads Of 2022

By Carlos Morreo January 7, 2023

As we step into the new year, here’s a path circling through Green Agenda’s 2022 most read pieces, cleared by our readers’ high clicks and concerns.  Seven articles ranging from reflections on the Greens in power and discussions of Indigenous and environmental struggles in East Gippsland and the West Kimberley,…

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Celebrating And Planning Climate Action - Clean Energy Act - Greens Gillard Government

Celebrating And Planning Climate Action

By Tim Hollo November 15, 2021

Well, what an inspiring conversation we had last night, coming together to mark the 10th anniversary of the Clean Energy Act passing the parliament, and discuss what the precedent means for the months ahead. Our three wonderful panellists, Christine Milne, Will Steffen and Adam Bandt took us through the full…

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Bob Brown's Bank - Clean Energy Finance Corporation

Happy Birthday, Bob Brown’s Bank!

By Tim Hollo November 1, 2021

Tony Abbott and his friends in the Murdoch press derided it as “Bob Brown’s Bank”, and vowed to shut it down. But, ten years on, despite repeated attacks, the Clean Energy Finance Corporation is still operational, and still channeling billions of dollars of vital investment into renewable energy. It’s one…

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Ecocide - Law As If The Earth Matters

Ecocide – Law As If The Earth Matters

By Tim Hollo August 4, 2021

Are we, around the world and here in Australia, slowly but surely making our way towards a legal system where the Earth actually matters? This fantastic conversation suggests that we are, and that we’re picking up speed. Dr Michelle Maloney, from The Australian Earth Laws Alliance,…

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