Author Archives: Elissa Jenkins

Green Institute Conference 2023 - The Land Back

The Land Back: Green Institute Conference 2023

By Elissa Jenkins October 24, 2023

This recording is from The City Transformed: Urban life at the end of the world as we know it – Green Institute Conference 2023 featuring Mundanara Bayles and Birdy Bird presenting their talk ‘The Land Back’. About Mundanara Bayles Mundanara’s cultural heritage is connected to the Wonnarua and Bunjalung people…

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Green Institute Conference 2023 - Democratic Transformation through Crisis

Democratic transformation through crisis: Green Institute Conference 2023

By Elissa Jenkins October 23, 2023

This recording is from The City Transformed: Urban life at the end of the world as we know it – Green Institute Conference 2023, specifically the stream entitled ‘Democratic transformation through crisis’ featuring “Campaign Strategy for Transformative Democracy”, with A/Prof Mark Diesendorf;“Democratic transformation and urban re-imagination during periods of political…

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