
The idea of pacifism, or even the concept that military action should be a last resort, has been whittled away in our public arena. Peace is not seen as a “serious” idea.

Could a broadscale effort to support a politics that values peace, as well as non-violent protest, also flow on to helping to build a community that values peace and rejects violence?

Peace is a process; nonviolence is action

Peace is a process; nonviolence is action

By Tim Hollo July 26, 2024

Nonviolence is a powerful, active, creative and generative form of resistance to violent systems. Every act of violence creates a more violent world. Nonviolence refuses to accept the self-perpetuating logic of the inevitability of violence, and demands of us that we cultivate space for peace-making. In this way, peace can…

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Dutton Nukes Democratic Climate Debate - Green Institute

Dutton Nukes Democratic Climate Debate

By Tim Hollo June 21, 2024

Here we go again. A decade ago, I wrote this piece in The Guardian explaining why the right keeps returning to nuclear power like a dog to a puddle of vomit. It fits their worldview: the “dominion mandate” that says God gave “man” the Earth to dominate; the…

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Happiness and Its Causes - Tim Hollo Speaker

Happiness and Its Causes

By Tim Hollo December 1, 2023

So what actually “causes” happiness? (Spoiler – it’s connection) I was surprised and delighted to be invited to speak at this year’s Happiness and Its Causes conference in Sydney’s International Convention Centre, alongside a stellar line-up including Professor Patrick McGorry, Mawunyo Gbogbo, Dr Catherine Barrett and many more. I…

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Green Institute Conference 2023 - Democratic Transformation through Crisis

Democratic transformation through crisis: Green Institute Conference 2023

By Elissa Jenkins October 23, 2023

This recording is from The City Transformed: Urban life at the end of the world as we know it – Green Institute Conference 2023, specifically the stream entitled ‘Democratic transformation through crisis’ featuring “Campaign Strategy for Transformative Democracy”, with A/Prof Mark Diesendorf;“Democratic transformation and urban re-imagination during periods of political…

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Exploring Green Politics And The Peace Pillar

By Tim Hollo September 27, 2021

So what actually do we mean by Green politics? And what’s the story with the peace pillar? I’m delighted to be participating in and co-presenting a couple of fantastic conversations in the coming fortnight exploring these questions, and I’d love it if you came along to take part in the…

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Peace - you wouldn't read about it (elsewhere) - International Day Of Peace - World Peace Day

Peace – you wouldn’t read about it (elsewhere)

By Tim Hollo September 21, 2021

On September 21 each year, the United Nations marks World Peace Day. What a tragic irony that the day falls this year less than a week after Scott Morrison joined Joe Biden and Boris Johnson (both of whom seemingly forgot his name) to announce Australia’s purchase of nuclear submarines. The…

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