
What comes after a Greenslide? Australian Greens celebration

What comes after a Greenslide?

By Tim Hollo June 17, 2022

What an extraordinary result! Last month’s election, wiping out the ecocidal Morrison government and delivering a remarkable 16 Greens MPs as part of a historic blow to the two party system, is an incredible moment in Australian political history, as well as a pivotal one for our party and movement.

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A Liveable Income Guarantee!

By Tim Hollo March 22, 2022

Did you see the news on the weekend? The Australian Greens have officially proposed a Liveable Income Guarantee, lifting all income support payments to above the Henderson poverty line, and abolishing the nasty, punitive ‘mutual obligations’ and other unfair access restrictions. This is a massively transformative policy…

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Ready To Watch: Together? Apart? Where ARE we??

By Tim Hollo February 18, 2022

From Holly Hammond’s presentation Almost two years ago, in a snap webinar days after Australia went into our first lockdown, The Green Institute hosted the first public conversation in Australia to discuss how we stay together while keeping apart. In the last two years, we’ve seen a huge burst of…

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Green Institute - COVID 19 - Together Apart

Together? Apart? Where ARE we??

By Tim Hollo January 27, 2022

Welcome to 2022. And life doesn’t get less interesting, does it? As we head into our third year of pandemic, with the climate and ecological crisis hanging over us, and with threats to our weakening democracies looking ever more worrying, it’s hard to feel this is a happy new year.

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Thank you - Tim Hollo Reflections 2021 - Green Institute

Thank You For Being Part Of An Amazing Year

By Tim Hollo December 23, 2021

Well. That was quite a year. Again. Wasn’t it? From the storming of the US Capitol in January, through more waves of the pandemic, to the Glasgow climate conference’s first ever commitments to start seriously phasing down fossil fuels, history didn’t let up. Through it all, the Green Institute was…

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Celebrating And Planning Climate Action - Clean Energy Act - Greens Gillard Government

Celebrating And Planning Climate Action

By Tim Hollo November 15, 2021

Well, what an inspiring conversation we had last night, coming together to mark the 10th anniversary of the Clean Energy Act passing the parliament, and discuss what the precedent means for the months ahead. Our three wonderful panellists, Christine Milne, Will Steffen and Adam Bandt took us through the full…

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Bob Brown's Bank - Clean Energy Finance Corporation

Happy Birthday, Bob Brown’s Bank!

By Tim Hollo November 1, 2021

Tony Abbott and his friends in the Murdoch press derided it as “Bob Brown’s Bank”, and vowed to shut it down. But, ten years on, despite repeated attacks, the Clean Energy Finance Corporation is still operational, and still channeling billions of dollars of vital investment into renewable energy. It’s one…

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Sharing As Democracy - DemFest21

Sharing As Democracy – DemFest21

By Tim Hollo October 29, 2021

What does borrowing dress up clothes or lending a lawnmower have to do with democracy? Quite a lot, as it happens! When you do it thoughtfully. When the Canberra Alliance for Participatory Democracy announced a call for pre-recorded videos for their DemFest21, celebrating local democracy, I…

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Unconditionally: COVID response and the future of welfare

Launch Of “Unconditionally”

By Tim Hollo October 28, 2021

From reflections on lived experience to academic analysis of real life impacts to analysis of what people actually believe, the launch of our new paper, “Unconditionally: COVID response and the future of welfare” was a brilliant way to help us imagine a future where welfare is unconditional. The event featured…

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