
Green Institute Conference, Brisbane - Program

Major Announcement: Over 50 Speakers, 20 Sessions, 2 HUGE Days

By Tim Hollo July 20, 2023

I’m so excited to share with you the program for next month’s conference, The City Transformed: urban life at the end of the world as we know it. With over 50 speakers from around Australia, including several of our wonderful MPs, councillors and Ministers, some globally-renowned experts, lots of amazing grassroots…

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How on Earth do you do that?

By Tim Hollo June 15, 2023

In the thousands of conversations I have with people about the need for truly transformative political change, the ideas in my book, Living Democracy, and the work we do here at The Green Institute, one of the questions that so often comes up is “how on Earth do you do that?”…

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Waves to depict Talking Power And Change: Strategic Planning Workshop

Talking Power And Change

By Tim Hollo May 2, 2023

Strategic Planning Workshop Reading Material As part of the Australian Greens Strategic Planning process, all Greens members around the country are invited to take part in a half-day workshop to reflect deeply on what we are trying to do as a political party and a movement for change. These workshops,…

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Best Green Agenda Reads of 2022

Top 7 Green Agenda Reads Of 2022

By Carlos Morreo January 7, 2023

As we step into the new year, here’s a path circling through Green Agenda’s 2022 most read pieces, cleared by our readers’ high clicks and concerns.  Seven articles ranging from reflections on the Greens in power and discussions of Indigenous and environmental struggles in East Gippsland and the West Kimberley,…

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Living Democracy in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne And Online

By Tim Hollo September 16, 2022

The busy times continue, with fabulous conversations all around the place about Living Democracy. I just spent the day at the ACT Conservation Council’s symposium on the Circular Economy where people from NGOs, government, business and academia were buzzing around ways of reinventing the economy, and what’s being done on the…

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The Opposite Of Violence Is Connection

The Opposite Of Violence Is Connection

By Tim Hollo August 6, 2022

Today, August 6, is Hiroshima Day, 77 years after the detonation of an atomic bomb over the Japanese city caused unimaginable death, destruction and devastation. It’s a day to ponder peace. And, as such, a day on which I thought I’d share an extract from my book, …

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