Green Institute Conference 2023

Urban farming as transformation: Green Institute Conference 2023

Urban farming as transformation: Green Institute Conference 2023

By Elissa Jenkins October 20, 2023

This recording is from The City Transformed: Urban life at the end of the world as we know it – Green Institute Conference 2023, specifically the session entitled Urban farming as transformation featuring “Creating Food Resilient Neighbourhoods”, with Gabriel Reese; “What’s Next in Urban Farming”, with Fiona Buining; and “Agrihood…

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Closing Discussions: Green Institute Conference 2023

By Elissa Jenkins October 20, 2023

This recording is from The City Transformed: Urban life at the end of the world as we know it – Green Institute Conference 2023, specifically closing discussions of the conference on the final day with reflections by and facilitation by Green Institute Executive Director Tim Hollo. Tim Hollo A highly…

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Online Live Stream Tickets - Green Institute Conference 2023

Online Conference Tickets Now Available

By Tim Hollo August 6, 2023

Many of you have been asking, and we’ve been working behind the scenes to make it happen effectively, so here it finally is. For those of you who can’t attend this month’s conference, The City Transformed: urban life at the end of the world as we know it, in person…

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Affordable and Liveable Cities are Possible!

Affordable and Liveable Cities are Possible!

By Tim Hollo August 2, 2023

A new conference panel just dropped, and it’s a corker! Deputy Lord Mayor of Sydney, the excellent Greens Councillor Sylvie Ellsmore, has just returned from travels where she’s gathered some amazing ideas about transformative policies for public and affordable housing that are actually being implemented and working in cities like Paris and London.

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Violet Coco - Senator Larissa Waters - Green Institute Conference

People Power To Transform The City – Urgently

By Tim Hollo July 31, 2023

As extreme heat records tumbled again and sea ice extent crumbled over recent weeks, so many of us had yet another “oh shit” moment about the climate crisis. Even those of us who’ve been working on it for years or decades have been shocked to see this non-linear change happening…

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Green Institute Conference, Brisbane - Program

Major Announcement: Over 50 Speakers, 20 Sessions, 2 HUGE Days

By Tim Hollo July 20, 2023

I’m so excited to share with you the program for next month’s conference, The City Transformed: urban life at the end of the world as we know it. With over 50 speakers from around Australia, including several of our wonderful MPs, councillors and Ministers, some globally-renowned experts, lots of amazing grassroots…

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