
People across the word believe, with real justification, that governments and politicians are no longer working for us. In the light of Brexit, Trump, and the rise of the far right here in Australia, the need to breathe new life into democracy before it’s too late is increasingly obvious.

From donations and lobbyist reform and the institution of a national corruption commission to the introduction of Multi Member Proportional Representation in the House of Representatives; from becoming a Republic to potentially abolishing the States, empowering local government and entirely reconfiguring our federation; from building local mechanisms for participatory democracy to building the case for global representative democracy, and of course ensuring sovereignty for first nations people, there are huge ideas to be discussed!

Cultivating Democracy Conference: Welcome & Introduction - Tim Hollo

Cultivating Democracy Conference: Welcome & Introduction

By Elissa Jenkins December 19, 2019

Featured below is an audio podcast of Tim Hollo’s opening speech to the Green Institute conference, Cultivating Democracy, on November 15, 2019. You can also read Tim’s speech on our blog. At the end of the recording, you will hear Green Institute’s Communications & Projects Officer Elissa Jenkins launch the…

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“This is what democracy looks like!”

By Tim Hollo September 27, 2019

“This is what democracy looks like!” I don’t know about you, but when I heard thousands of kids chanting that at the Climate Strike last week, it sent shivers of joy and excitement down my spine. Proud father moment – that’s my daughter MC’ing Canberra’s 15,000 strong strike! One of…

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European Green Wave - Webinar With Reinhard Butikofer

European Green Wave – Webinar With Reinhard Butikofer

By Tim Hollo August 28, 2019

In this year’s European elections, Greens parties saw a surge in support, lifting their representation in the European Parliament from 50 to 75 MEPs. Greens now account for 10% of the representatives, making them the fourth largest bloc after the centre right, the social democrats and the liberals, and ahead…

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Conferences - Launches - Seminar - Webinar - Green Institute

Conference, Book Launches, Seminar and Webinar!

By Tim Hollo August 9, 2019

We’ve got some exciting and thought-provoking events coming up in the next few weeks that we’d love you to join us for, culminating in our next national conference, Cultivating Democracy, in parallel with Greens National Conference in Canberra. We’ll be in a position to share more details on the conference…

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