Nature | Market: how Labor is sacrificing the environment to corporate profits and what you can do

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Fresh from approving her first coal mine, Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek is pushing the Labor government’s first major environmental legislation through the parliament. And it’s a shocker. It’s a Bill, drafted for the blatantly ecocidal Morrison government, to establish a market for biodiversity credits.
The Nature Repair Market Bill is based on the extraordinary claim that the government simply cannot afford the $2 billion a year it would take to actually protect and repair ecosystems and deliver on their paper promise to end extinctions, so they need the market to find the cash. But it’s not a tax on destructive corporations to pay for it – it’s another complex, easy to rort, market that is pretending not to be an offset scheme.
The Green Institute is bringing together a panel of experts to help you find out what’s actually happening and what you can do about it.
Join Greens environment spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Melbourne University ecologist, Dr Yung En Chee, Common Cause Australia’s Eleanor Glenn, the Green Institute’s Tim Hollo on May 31 to discuss how we can work to truly protect the environment for its own sake, instead of leaving it to the market.
NB: Sadly, Senator Hanson-Young is unwell and unable to attend this evening. However, the wonderful Christine Milne has agreed to join us at the last minute.