Grief, Possibility, Action: Green Institute Webinar

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Scott Ludlam and Danielle Celermajer discuss the fires, the future, interdependence, and their new books.

The devastating fires across eastern Australia as the 2020s began burnt a hard black line across history – before the fires and after.

Former Greens Senator Scott Ludlam and Professor Danielle Celermajer both faced those fires from terrifyingly close up. And their remarkable new books, Full Circle and Summertime, take them as the starting point for deep reflection on the past, the present and the future, and on how we are to live together, at one with each other and the natural world we are part of.

Join us for a stimulating and challenging conversation with Scott and Danielle, moderated by Green Institute Executive Director Tim Hollo, 8pm AEST, May 27.

Scott Ludlam:

Grief, Possibility, Action - Summertime - Full Circle - Scott Ludlam - Danielle Celermajer - New Books

Scott was an Australian Greens Senator from 2008-17, and served as Co-Deputy Leader. A passionate activist for the environment, peace and nonviolence, and social and economic justice, he has also worked as a filmmaker, artist and graphic designer. He currently lives on unceded Yuin land on the NSW South Coast.

Dany Celermajer

Grief, Possibility, Action - Summertime - Full Circle - Scott Ludlam - Danielle Celermajer - New Books

Dany is a Professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Sydney, Deputy Director of the Sydney Environment Institute and lead of the Multispecies Justice Project. Her professional and academic background have primarily been in human rights, more recently shifting her thinking and activism to the interface between environmental, animal and human ethics and justice. Her books include The Sins of the Nation and the Ritual of Apology and The Prevention of Torture: An Ecological Approach (both with Cambridge University Press) and Summertime. She lives as part of a multispecies community in Dharawal country on the South Coast of NSW.